Horse tourism
There are many and various notions for good passing of the free time near Sofia but if you are a lover of the riding and the horse tourism and connoisseurs of the nature – not counterfeited, genuine and authentic, our proposal is directed to you.
Itineraries for horse tourism in Stara planina

The guide is preparing the horses for a passage
Horse base „Zdravets“ is situated on a picturesque southern slope in the mountain chain of Predbalkana, only 70 km. on the highway from Sofia. The close distance to Sofia and the favorable soft climate, which vastly extends the active season for riding, are not the only advantages of the destination of this horse base. It is built in a region with varied relief, which determines the practice of all types of riding.

Passage in the nature
Horse base Zdravets proposes you horse tourism – mountain and field riding with different duration: from short rides for one or more hours to one or a few days tourist rides and organized passages. Right after you arrive at Horse base “Zdravets”, you can meet and get acquainted with the horses, which are going to be your reliable company in the positive experience during the next hours or days. Aromatic forest tea, coffee and short breakfast for welcome and your original traveling “Riding the roads of history on horseback” can begin.

During horse tourism there is always time for rest

Rest for us and rest for the horses
The intensity and the itineraries of our passages are good considered and organized. Riding is about 2-3 hours until lunch and 2-3 hours after lunch, enjoying the unexpected beauty of the region, which is situated so close to Sofia in terms of kilometers, and at the same time grants one fully unknown atmosphere. The passages are through lovely forests, on the soft slopes and the ridge of the mystic Balkan, along fast, clear rivers and brooks. Clean air, aromas of herbs, hums of bees – in the quietness you can sense the pure sounds of nature. The possibility to ride for hours in a world without traffic, noise and multitude of people, is something for which in the modern city you can only dream about. As a part of the pastoral view are the periodically met sparse flocks of cows or sheep, which are bred by the few remaining inhabitants of the depopulated hamlets. The rural people are extremely hospitable and friendly – the outer visitors of these places are rarity and on the look of a group of riders they are sincerely happy and they greet.

During horse tourism
Here it really seems as if the time has stopped, the atmosphere is unique and from the stress and the tension of the everyday life remains not even a mark. The feeling is getting deepening from the characteristics of the authentic historical and cultural monuments in the region – old roman roads, relics of strategic for its time fortresses, monasteries. Clean mountain rivers, lakes and waterfalls are the habitual natural ground of the remarkable ancient objects.

The passage with the horses continues even in the water

Even on horse and in water up to your waist, you can still hear with your relatives
When are you going to decide that you have taken enough of this beauty – physically and mentally and that it is time for returning to the routinе everyday life, you are going to decide on your own. Our experience shows that even the longest passages slip by and the nostalgia starts to implacably slink even before the end of the trip. But the good side of the things is that this exciting experience, that the program of horse tourism of Base Zdravets supplies, can be renewed again and continued…

People are getting closer during horse tourism
If you still don’t have the necessary training for riding in the open, Horse base Zdravets can offer you individual work with riding instructor for primary training, trained and friendly disposed horses.

The horses are friendly and they help you in all situations
The good physical preparation and the precise technique, excellent balance and self-control, that are worked over in the base, along with the gradually complicating riding lessons are advantages that far exceed the needed for one good rider. Those are qualities and abilities that advantage and stimulate all the aspects of the human life. The horseback riding increases the self-confidence in the own abilities, secures the possibility to look at the world that is surrounding you and the people with who you interact from one different perspective.

The physical training will help you becoming a good rider
Horse base Zdravets
Contacts with us:
Mob.: +359 895 581600 Mob.: +359 897 919939 Mob.: +359 898 525207 Sofia 1111 p.o. box 23 Mail: